Welcome To Group Funnels!

Be sure to watch the tutorial video of how to install the GF ext

Do not skip the step w/setting up the google sheet (everyone does)..

You must use the same email you used to purchase.

note:  the video was created a few days before FB rolled out the new design, but that does not matter
--the process to setup/configure is EXACTLY the same.

Click this link to get your GroupFunnel Chrome extension:
          (if you can not click this link, copy and paste the complete line of text into your browser)

Join the GF Facebook group for members that purchased GF--
as that is also the place we make announcements, updates and tips.

make sure you answer all the questions, we use GF too! 
You can always find this same information in the Group Funnels Facebook group UNITS section as well as in the GF Members Area Account.

Give us 24 -48 hours to approve your request to join.



  1. Installing GF Chrome Plugin
  2. Setting up the Google Spreadsheet
  3. Approving Member Requests


Some things to keep in mind:

  • GroupFunnels works on PC and Mac with Chrome browser only.
  • It does not work on cell phones.
  • You MUST use the same email address you used to purchase Group Funnels
    (or it will not work)

Install GF chrome plug in to your Chrome Browser

Click this link to get your GroupFunnel Chrome extension:


Click ADD TO CHROME—that easy!  


Enter the email you signed up with (MUST be the same email)

Click on SAVE  (the blue button)

You should see a green stripe. Green means GOOD TO GO

If you see red…make sure

  • You did not typo
  • You are using the same email you used to purchase the plugin



You need to create the spreadsheet you will PUSH the data to.



Name your sheet to save it – probably naming it the name of your group.

COPY the spreadsheet URL:

Make sure you choose SHARE the link as EDIT (unrestricted.)