You can setup Group Funnels on multiple computers. 

You setup GF on each computer the same way.

You must share the google url as EDIT not as View

THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND when using GF on multiple computers:

After you install the GF ext and paste the google sheet url into the facebook group:

▪️Approve ONE person that has answered all the questions

▪️Go to your View Data sheet and push that person's data to your google sheet.

▪️Check the google sheet and verify the data is now in the right columns.

this information is also located in the FB group in the UNITS section.


1. .Install the GF ext as per the installation instructions on the other computer - exact same way you installed it the first time on the first computer.

You will not need to create another Google sheet as you have already created your sheet when you setup your GF the first time on the original computer.

2.  make sure the Google sheet is shared/set as EDIT not View before you copy/paste the url into the facebook group on your other computer or your assistant’s computer.

3. IMPORTANT:  when approving members for the first time on a different computer, (remember, you already have a Google sheet setup and has members on it)  and this is the BIGGIE---only approve ONE member that has answered ALL l the questions the first time you use the GF on another computer.

4.  Push that first member to the Google sheet to make sure all the columns populate correctly. 

If so, then you can approve and push multiple members at a time.  
If not, uninstall and reinstall the GF ext (on the computer that has the columns populating incorrectly) and try it again.